Insight Video Tours Partners Norwich Schools
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the COVID pandemic, it’s that all UK based businesses need to be more socially responsible. Yes, green issues and reduction of waste are important for the future. But what about the positive impacts on the wider world?
For us – this starts at home, with our own service and purpose. VR tours are about giving people a virtual experience of the real world. And this is incredibly useful right now when opportunities for contact and connection are still limited.
Social distancing is still fully in place. However, the UK is starting to wake up. Shops are opening and children will be going back to school at some point later in the year. As a population, we have to get back into some kind of rhythm to rebuild our communities after the disruption of 2020.
Therefore when we were invited to create virtual tours for Norwich schools – helping students and their parents understand the choices available for the next stage in their educational journey, we absolutely jumped at the chance.
It’s a job that’s not only been satisfying from a personal perspective, doing more to help out our local communities, but one that has won considerable attention in the local news.
That’s right, we’ve been featured in Norfolk’s most widely read local paper – the Eastern Daily Press. For a business that only started this year, we’re honoured to be able to make a difference to these young people, who will one day be the driving force behind our ever-changing society.
Using the legendary Matterport software, which is rapidly gaining a lot of interest from all kinds of business due to social distancing, Insight Virtual Tours constructed a digital walk through tour of the Norwich’s Lakenham school.
Simple to use, and effortless to navigate, we used the same level of precision and expertise that we deploy for our commercial clients to create an excellent, professional virtual tour experience for the test school. The result is a well-lit, colourful journey, dotted with sign posted content. Activities are bought to life in the young imaginations using the tour to take the next tentative step into the educational world.
And of course, with many children using technology with greater ease and precision than their parents, the virtual reality tour is the ideal way for them to get to grips with the big changes of moving schools at an early age. All they need to do is swipe around the tablet and they’re instantly imagining how they
With so much anticipation about what the future holds – these in depth tours give new pupils a chance to become acquainted with their new surroundings. Brightly lit classroom space can easily be explored with the touch of a finger and it’s easy to get an idea of the space in the hallways and even the playground.
This VR tour works even better with a VR headset. With so many young people now using these devices for gaming and entertainment, they can get an even more in-depth view of the tour through this simple headset based device.
The result? Our tour was so successful that the Norfolk Education Service have requested we now provide tours for a number of other schools across the local area. We are proud to be helping out get the UK back on the tracks after the challenges of the last few months.